Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Displaying the first day of the week in CoolSigns content

The following javascript can be used to display the first day of the current week in content created for CoolSigns.

var d = new Date();
var day = d.getDay();
var diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6:1);
var monday = new Date(d.setDate(diff));

var month = monday.getMonth() == 0 ? "January":
monday.getMonth() == 1 ? "February":
monday.getMonth() == 2 ? "March":
monday.getMonth() == 3 ? "April":
monday.getMonth() == 4 ? "May":
monday.getMonth() == 5 ? "June":
monday.getMonth() == 6 ? "July":
monday.getMonth() == 7 ? "August":
monday.getMonth() == 8 ? "September":
monday.getMonth() == 9 ? "October":
monday.getMonth() == 10 ? "November":"December";

return month + " " + monday.getDate() + ", " + monday.getYear();

Using an OR Statement in Crystal Reports to suppress rows in the Details section

I recently created a report where I want to suppress rows in the Details section of a Crystal Report. Using an OR statement along with a conditional IF, besides suppressing based on duplicate ID values, I can also suppress the row based upon a parameter value.

{?Intended Audience} = "Internal Use Only"
 if (not onfirstrecord) then (previous({PERSON.ID})={PERSON.ID})